Drum Off Australia

Do you want to represent
Australia as a drummer?
Drum Off Global is a worldwide drumming competition which allows drummers from all over the world to represent their country in a worldwide competition which encourages drummers globally to stretch themselves and their drumming skills.
We are running the Australian division of the competition. All you have to do is submit a 4 minute drum solo to enter (upload link coming soon) and finalists will be chosen to compete to choose the Australian representatives who will compete in the Global competition.
QUESTIONS? Dylan, the Drum Off Australia organiser
Email: info@redcymbals.com See below for the FAQs.
Visit the Drum Off Global Website
to find out more
REGISTER (From April till 22 June 2021): Fill out the form, send a clear picture of yourself playing the drums and make payment. (it will all be on the same page)
THEN submit a 4 minute drum solo - ALL THE INFO is HERE *There is a small $40USD registration fee involved which covers administration costs.
*Send only 1 video via wetransfer.com to email address contact@drumoffglobal.org
What are the AGE categories?
Super Junior – age 7 & below (still age 7 & below on 31st Dec, 2021 11:59pm)
Junior – age 8 till age 12 (all age based on year of birthday in year 2021)
Intermediate – age 13 till age 18 (all age based on year of birthday in year 2021)
Open – age 19 and older (all age based on year of birthday in year 2021)
Am I eligible?
Drum-Off 2021 is open to drummers* of all races, nationalities and genders worldwide and we welcome both new, aspiring and established drummers to participate.
*Drummers with an annual income of $45,000 from drumming work, based on the previous tax year are not eligible.
You must be a citizen or permanent resident to take part in your country’s drum-off and represent your country thereafter.
All competitors can only participate in ONE Drum Set Solo category of their choice according to their age.
Former entrants may enter Drum Off Australia provided that they did not win Drum Off Global.
4:00 mins to 4:30 mins ‘continuous stationary shot’ drum solo from the front view recorded in the LANDSCAPE mode (16:9 ratio) Resolution 1920x1080 pixels. No special camera neededou can shoot it on a phone.
Make sure your face (no masks) and hands are seen clearly. Make sure the lighting is enough to have a clear view.
No edits on video are allowed, no multiple camera edits are allowed. Make sure the audio sounds good and clear. No over-dubbing is allowed (second recording of audio.
The judging panel reserves the right to disqualify you should they hear any instances of audio edit or see any kind of video edit that amounts to dishonesty.
See below for the correct video angle:

The video must be played on an Acoustic Drum set (see photo above) NO ELECTRONIC DRUM KITS ALLOWED.
You may add mounted acoustic percussion (cowbells, blocks, tambourine etc.) to the Drum set.
You may add hand drums and use sticks to play on them during my drum solo.
Play on Electronic Drums/Pads
Play with Electronic Triggers
Add tuned percussion (like xylophone, marimba, timpani, handpan etc.) to the Drum set
Add backing music to your drum solo or play with another musician
Sing or Rap during the drum solo
Put text or watermarks on your video
How will my video be judged?
Creativity of your drumming & Choreography (e.g. stick tricks)
On-screen presence
Usage of any relevant and suitable stick tricks to add value to the drum performance.
Usage of any relevant original country-centric rhythm (e.g. latin, reggae, clave etc…) is encouraged
Stick to one genre of playing
Just play to a song
Play out of time/Lose time
Just make it up as you go, plan out your solo!