iSee Red Seminars

‘i See Red’ seminars engage with young people to acknowledge that they experience intense emotions while equipping them with strategies for managing their feelings and emotions as well as developing resilience, so that they can engage positively with others in every day life.
Sessions are tailored specifically to the needs of the group/school however it typically involves a 45 - 60 minute session with a year level, small or large group or one class at a time (Maximum of 4 sessions in a day). Each session is adjusted to the age range of the students using age appropriate concepts and language.
An add-on to the seminar is a lunch time ‘drum shed’ gathering together interested drummers to have a jam on multiple drum sets (ear plugs & cymbals provided by sponsors ‘Red Cymbals’ and drum sets if required). i See Red hold Red Drum Sheds nationally and internationally to bring together drummers of all ages to jam together on the drums to encourage positive mental health through drumming and building a community of supportive drummers. To see videos and photos of recent drum shed CLICK HERE.
i See Red addresses Personal and Social Capability in the Australian and Victorian Curriculum.
i See Red assists students in recognising and expressing emotions appropriately, developing resilience, exploring the importance of a range of social relationships within families, with peers and the wider community. Students and young people are enabled to identify and manage emotional responses in a range of contexts.
“Learning in Personal and Social capability is strongly connected to many other areas of the curriculum. Health and Physical Education, in particular, enables students to develop knowledge of recognition of personal qualities, awareness of identity and establishment and maintenance of respectful relationships.” Victorian Curriculum.
For more information on the Australian Curriculum Personal and Social Capability Learning Continuum please CLICK HERE

Dylan Redman worked as a classroom teacher (years 4 - 12) for over 16 years before leaving the classroom to complete further study (Grad. Dip. Psychology and a Master of Counselling) after realising that the greatest concern he had for his students was not how well they did in class, instead, how well things were going outside of the classroom for students: at home, socially or within themselves and their mental health. Dylan’s focus then became on understanding how to help young people manage things outside of the classroom in order to engage and concentrate in the classroom, by learning to navigate life’s challenges, build strategies and regulate difficult and intense emotions.
Dylan’s interests also are in drumming and music education given that he has played the drums for over 30 years and worked as a music educator for most of his teaching career. Dylan also founded Red Cymbals, Red Drum School and i See Red. As a part of the seminar Dylan brings a small set of drums (if appropriate) which can be integrated into the presentation as a learning tool and demonstrating ways to release emotions as well as giving participants a chance to play the drums.
VIT Registration and Working With Children’s Check Details will be supplied prior to arriving at the venue or school.