Red/Vertical Drum Competition


The Drum Competition Video Playlists 
are now live for the popular vote






Drum Competition Details

Please ensure you read in full before entering.

There are 2 Categories, your entry fee allows you to make 1 entry into each category (2 entries).

Category 1: Improv
Improv / Solo based on a song/backing with no audible accompaniment in the video. Submit a video of you playing an improvised solo / jam based on a song. You can have the song playing in your headphones but is not to be audible in the video of you drumming. This should be drums only when the video is finalised.
Length of video: 2 - 6 minutes


Category 2: Drum Cover
Interpretation of a song - played in your unique style and interpretation. The song must be audible in the video.
Maximum length of video: 6 minutes


Announcement and Entries Open December 17th 2024

Video Submission Deadline 14th Feb 

Videos Posted to Youtube February 18th US Time

Popular Vote March 12th 2025

WInners Announced 12pm AEST March 19th 2025



  1. Pay the Entry Fee  (The fees cover Admin costs). Videos will not be accepted without payment of the entry fee. Link not available until the next Comp.

  2. Send your video/s to via before the deadline. Make sure you read all of the information on this page before submitting. Videos will not be accepted after the deadline for any reason.
    Please make sure your name and song/improv title are in the file name
    E.g. Tom Smith - Times Like These

  3. Five finalists for each category will be selected and the finalist’s videos will be uploaded to the Vertical Drum Co. / Red Cymbals YouTube Channels.
    (Votes won’t count if uploaded to other YT channels)
    Improv - Red Cymbals YouTube
    Drum Cover - Vertical Drum Co. YouTube.

  4. Votes / points will be collated for the Popular Vote

  5. Judges will score the top 2 from both categories and combine the scores with the popular vote scores.

  6. The winner from each category will be announced as well as the runner up.

  7. Giveaway Prizes will be drawn randomly from all entries. 

  8. After the competition has concluded all videos will be compiled into 1 long form video and uploaded to YouTube for general viewing.


How is the Winner decided?

We will upload the 5 finalist videos at the same time as a premier on YouTube on each channel.


Number of views count as 1 point (234 views = 234 points)

Likes count as 2 points (55 likes = 110 points)

Average percentage of the video viewed counts as 1 point (rounded up e.g. 39.8% = 40 points)

Example Total: 234 + 110 + 40 = 384 points


We will collate the points for a popular vote total and then combine the score with the judges’ vote to decide an overall winner and runner up in each of the categories.


Judges criteria for scoring:

Maximum of 10 points per section / Total score out of 50

1. Dynamics - range of dynamics used (quiet to loud).
2. Touch/control on the drums
3. Use of a variety techniques/rudiments/skills
4. Creativity
5. Stylisation (expression of unique style on the drums)


Criteria for entry:

1 entry fee allows an entry into each category
Only 1 entry per person in each category. You can't order more than once.
Have an existing Public Instagram account (no private accounts)
Red/Vertical endorsing artists are not entitled to enter.

Read all the information on this page. Entry into the competition assumes that all terms, conditions and information have been read and understood. Please email if you need clarification.



Improv: Red Cymbals Ride Cymbal (choice between 20 - 24") and 5 pairs of drumsticks

Drum Cover: Prechorus 6.5x14 Vertical Drum Co. Snare

*Prize Winners are responsible for any government import duties and taxes if shipping outside of the USA/Australia. Prizes cannot be traded for another item or redeemed for cash.

Runner’s Up Prize:

Red Drummer’s Box: sticks, cymbal felts, drum key, t-tshirt and hat. 

Randomly chosen prizes from non-prize winning contestants' entries:

Snare Weight M80
gaDUNK! Gear Black Belt
64 Audio goodies pack
TnR True Vibe Set Floor Tom and Snare.
16" Low Volume Crash
Red Cymbals Drum Key
3 pairs of Red Sticks

Videos Specs: (as per the picture below)
The submitted video/s must conform to the following specifications.
If submitted incorrectly, an opportunity to resubmit will be allowed provided it is before the submission deadline.
Video Specs: Landscape Orientation (see pic below) aka Horizontal
HD min. 1080p
Video format .mp4
1 camera angle: no cuts, full run through, not a spliced video.
Camera directly facing the drum kit OR from the side with a full view of the drum set in order to ensure no edits are made. The drummer's face should be visible. We understand that due to space some drummers may not be able to shoot the video straight on. Other angles will be accepted however the drummer's face must be visible. 
No editing or fx applied
No camera movement preferred.


Application Info needed:

Full Name of Entrant
Title of song.
IG handle / Tik Tok / YouTube
Email address
Shipping address
Written permission to Post on IG YT etc…


Terms and Conditions:

The Judges’ decision is final. No correspondence entered into.
1 major prize awarded per category: Improv and Drum Cover categories with runner up prizes awarded in both categories and random draw prizes awarded.

Entry fees will not be refunded for any reason and will need to be paid before any video entry is accepted.

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